Headline Sponsor - CGFISilver Sponsor - Particle TechnologiesYouth Development Sponsor - Keith Willis Associates


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Vacant Volunteer Positions 3 of 6

3. First Aiders

First Aiders
We are currently arranging training so that a member of the coaching team for each age group is first aid trained and they will act as the first aid lead for their age group, however we also need to recruit secondary positions within each age group who may be able to assist when necessary and who can take over responsibilities if on a rare occasion the lead first aider is not present.

I am aware that amongst our parent body we do have parents who are medically trained either as their vocation e.g. Doctors and Nurses or as part of their job training e.g. Fireman and their first responder training. I will be writing to those that we are aware of to do two things, one to reassure them that we aware that rugby is their leisure time and we would not want to over burden them during this time, but also two, would they consider the secondary role within the age group to help the club.

Just to clarify a frequently asked question from health professionals volunteering to help the club in this capacity, our RFU Club’s Public Liability does provide full cover for lay providers of first aid (e.g. coaches, referees and other volunteers and for anyone (including Health Care and Allied Health Professionals who provide first aid in the event of an emergency e.g. a Good Samaritan act).